“You have PCOS”, this is one statement no woman would ever want to hear and being at the receiving end of this statement is scary and overwhelming. For sure, you have suspected that there is something wrong when you find it hard to be pregnant or when you are experiencing irregular menstrual cycle but having getting the diagnosis makes it very real.
Before you panic and get too worried about your health, you should take the time to understand and get to know this condition first. Well, you have come to the right place! Below are some important facts about PCOS.
What is PCOS?
PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is an endocrine system disorder that affects your menstrual cycle, your ability to get pregnant, heart function, blood vessels and the way you look. Most women with this condition have small cysts in their ovaries which cause spike in the production of androgen in the body.
How many are affected by this condition?
For your information, PCOS is not a rare case. According to studies, it affects one in ten women all over the world.
What are the signs and symptoms of PCOS?
The most common symptoms are irregular menstruation and infertility. Other symptoms include abnormal hair growth on the face, back, stomach, and chest,acne,dandruff, oily skin, weight gain, thinning hair, dark brown to black patches on the arms, breasts, neck and thighs, pelvic pain, anxiety and sleep apnea.
What causes PCOS?
Up until now, what causes this disorder is still unknown. However, health experts think that this condition is brought about by different factors including genetic variations and insulin production.
How is PCOS diagnosed?
For your information, there is no single test for this condition. Instead, the doctor will carry out different medical tests, like medical history, pelvic exam, physical exam, blood tests, and sonogram, to determine if you are a candidate for this condition.
What lifestyle habits to be followed when diagnosed with PCOS?
The underlying cause of this condition will cause you to gain weight and become obese which can lead to more complicated health problems. You can manage this through healthy eating and regular exercise. Limit your consumption of foods rich in sugar to help normalize the hormonal levels in the body.
What medications are recommended for PCOS?
There are two types of medications for PCOS including diabetes and fertility medications. Metformin helps in regulating blood sugar levels and reduce production of testosterone while Clomiphene and Gonadotropins are used to stimulate ovulation.
What are the other treatments for PCOS?
When a patient does not respond to medications, the doctor may recommend a surgery called ovarian drilling wherein the doctor performs a laparoscopy. He will then use a small needle to puncture the ovary which can help in reducing male hormone levels in the body.
To help you cope with your diagnosis, talk to your doctor or look for support groups online or in your area.