Are you suffering from a severe case of dry skin? Are you looking for ways on how to treat it? Well, you have come to the right place!
Dry skin is already a problem on its own, especially during the summer season. But did you know that when left untreated and not properly taken care of, it may lead to more serious skin problems that are a lot harder to manage?
Because of this, we have decided to provide you with some information on the common dry skin problems and how you can avoid it. Read on to discover what these are.
Common Dry Skin Problems
Dry skin is not something that you should neglect. If you do, here are the possible consequences that you may suffer from:
When your skin is dry, it is most likely to form a rash. This condition can be due to the inflammation of the skin or may be brought about by infection that can be of viral, bacterial or parasitic origin.
It is common for dry skin to be itchy. However, scratching an already dry skin may lead to complications like bacterial or viral infections.
Atopic Dermatitis
If you have dry and sensitive skin, you may develop this condition which is characterized by dry and scaly patches that are extremely itchy.
The drier your skin is, the most prone to infection it will be, and the infection that is most commonly associated with dry skin is fungal infection, specifically athlete’s foot which is characterized by itching, scaling and burning sensation. This infection starts in the soles and toes but can be spread to different parts of the body.
Skin Tags
Having extremely dry skin may lead to the development of skin tags or the soft and small skin growths that can usually be found on your eyelids, armpits, neck and under your breasts. Middle-aged people are the ones who are most prone to having it.