Are the hot moves of your partner no longer working out for you? Do you find your usual sexy time getting more and more boring? Well, sad to say, but you, my friend, are suffering from a low libido. Don’t worry—there’s nothing wrong with your body or how you feel for your partner.
There are many factors that can interfere with it. These may include lack of sleep, vaginal dryness, low self-esteem or birth control pills. When it comes to low libido, many people will seek refuge from libido enhancing drugs and the likes. But did you know that there is a much more natural way to give your libido a happy boost? Yes, that is to eat the right foods. Here are some of them:

One of the foods that increase female libido is spinach because of its high magnesium content that can boost blood circulation in the area below the waist. It works just like Viagra in the sense that it can increase sexual arousal which can lead to a more pleasurable sex experience.

Yes, you might be on a diet, but if you want to enjoy a better sex life, we highly recommend eating one of the foods that increase female libido—red meat. This type of food actually contains zinc which is the same libido-enhancing ingredient that makes oysters one of the best aphrodisiacs there are.

Green Tea
Aside from boosting your metabolism, helping you lose weight and feel more desirable, green tea is one of the foods that increase female libido because it contains catechins that can boost blood flow to the nether regions, thereby, increasing your sexual desire.

Just like all the other foods in this list, salmon also help boost sexual desire by improving blood flow to the genitals, but that is because of its omega 3 fatty acids content. In addition to that, salmon can raise the dopamine levels which will cause you to feel good about yourself.

Pine nuts are one of the main ingredients of pesto sauce, and it contains high amounts of zinc. Studies have shown that women with higher levels of zinc have higher sex drive than those with lower levels of this mineral.

Is there anything that chocolate can’t do? Did you know that aside from being a great picker-upper, chocolate is also an aphrodisiac because it contains magnesium that can make you feel relaxed and we know that the best way to be in the mood is to de-stress?

Red Wine
If you are looking for something that will calm your pre-sex jitters and boost your libido, red wine is the thing! Studies have shown that women who drink at least two glasses of red wine a day have higher sexual desires than those who don’t.

Surprise, surprise—your favorite weight loss food can also enhance your sexual desires too! This is because it contains L-arginine which can improve the blood flow to your clitoris, making it more sensitive.
By incorporating the foods mentioned above in your diet, you can safely and effectively boost your libido, and you can enjoy a more satisfying and exciting sex life!