Just as all trends in the world of fashion cycle back around every 10, 20, or 30 years, nail art and tattooing have recently joined forces to make a come back from an early 80’s fad in the art of fingernail tattoos.
1. Tattoo Art
People have been adorning their bodies with ink in a permanent or semi-permanent way for tens of thousands of years. However, the art of tattooing as really become quite commonplace over the last three decades. In recent history, tattooing was considered a taboo trend that only the riskiest of free thinkers would attempt. But since the early 2000’s, the art of tattooing has become so prevalent that reportedly over 20% of adults have a tattoo with that number drawing closer to 40% in adults under the age of 30. With tattoo art being popular among basically every demographic group, it is no surprise that there is literally no part of the body that is off limits for branding with ink.
2. Nail Art
The practice of decorating fingernails with polish, paint or other embellishments dates back as far as ancient Egypt over 5,000 years ago and has consistently remained a common self-care practice throughout modern history. Over the past few decades, newer and better ways of adorning our fingernails have come into fashion with consumers always seeking the next best thing that will last longer requiring less trips to the local nail salon. The nail art industry has basically hit a peak with the more recent advent of gel nail polish which lasts longer and is very resistant to chipping which in turn requires replacement only when the nails have grown out. So where do we go from there?
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3. Fingernail Tattoos: The Combination Of Tattoo Art And Nail Art
A trend that was popular in the 1980’s is making its comeback in 2018 in the art of fingernail tattoos. While this is only a semi-permanent adornment of the nail bed, it seems to be taking the community of tattoo-loving individuals by storm.These tattoos are given in the same way as any traditional tattoo…with ink and a tattoo gun and preferably performed by an experienced tattoo artist. If this concept of tattooing your fingernails is new or strange or appealing to you, some questions may be popping into your head.
A. How Is a Nail Bed Tattoo Applied?
The ink is applied on the top of the actual fingernail. It is not applied to the skin under the fingernail because that would be extraordinarily painful as the nail would need to be removed. Because it is just a surface inking on the nail bed itself, it is not very painful at all. You would mostly just feel the continuous vibration of the tattoo gun during the process.
B. How Long Do Fingernail Tattoos Last?
Fingernail bed tattoos will last only until the nail grows out completely. Because the nail itself is tattooed, the ink will remain within the fibers of the nail permanently. However, these are considered semi-permanent tattoos because eventually the nail will grow out and need to be clipped thereby disposing of the nail tattoo art. Depending how quickly your nails grow strong, your fingernail tattoos will last a maximum of just a few months. For those who are just considering a first tattoo, fingernail bed tattoos are a great option because you get the experience of a real tattoo without the permanence of inking your skin. It is an easy and inexpensive way to transition into the culture of tattooing.
C. What If I Get Tired Of My Fingernail Tattoos Before They Grow Out?
You can cover your nail tattoos with nail polish. It may require a few layers of darker polish to mask the tattoo markings on your nails, but with proper application and drying of the polish or the addition of other nail art, you can hide the tattoo for as long as you wish until the nails grow out. Then you can get new ones with different designs if you’d like. You can also change the appearance of your fingernail tattoos by changing out sheer colors of nail polish and allowing the nail bed art to show through. Different colors of nail polish will create different contrasts with the tattoo ink.
D. How Long Does It Take And How Much Does It Cost?
Because nail bed tattoos are small enough to fit on the surface of your fingernail, the tattooing process for all 10 nails should only take about 30-60 minutes depending on the intricacy of the desired designs. Prices, of course, will vary by tattoo artist and location, but should be in a range well under $100. Not too bad considering a gel manicure can run as high $50 and only lasts about 2 weeks. Be advised that you should exercise due diligence and do your research in finding a tattoo artist who is experienced in fingernail tattooing.
E. What Are Some Fingernail Tattoo Ideas?
The options in fingernail tattoo designs are basically limitless and completely up to your own personal taste. Some popular nail bed tattoo designs that have been seen circulating on the internet include smiley faces, dollar signs, pizza slices, lightning bolts, miniature hearts, shooting stars, evil eyes, hamsas, crosses, waves, suns, moons, and ying yangs. Other ideas include your initials or monogram, logos of your favorite brands, or your favorite cartoon characters.
So if you are a fan of nail art and tattoo art, why not consider a combination of the two trends and go for fingernail tattoos. Just contact your local tattoo artist with inquiries on the process and pricing.
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