The following guidelines have been established by GG to govern various aspects of Advertising on the network. These include websites and mobile applications directed to consumers. We refer to this as the GG Consumer Properties. The websites and mobile applications directed to health care professionals are referred to as the GG Professional Properties.
As used here, the terms “Advertising” and “Advertisements” are as follows:
- Third party banners
- Badges
- Contextual advertising
- Sponsored content
The guidelines stated in this policy cover issues like acceptance of advertisements by GG , how advertisements are displayed, and how advertisements from the GG network are removed. We from GG have the sole and absolute discretion for this. We make it our job to interpret and enforce the policy. We also have the right to change the policy any time we deem necessary.
Please read the guidelines as stated below:
- We have sole discretion for determining the types of Advertising that will be accepted and displayed. Under no circumstances will this be considered an endorsement for the company that advertises, manufactures, distributes, or promotes the products or services we mention.
- We do not accept Advertising that is not accurate or done professionally.
There are certain categories that we will not permit. These include the following:
- Illegal or ‘objectionable’ products (we reserve the right to determine what is ‘objectionable’)
- Fraudulent, deceptive, illicit, misleading or offensive material
- Material that misrepresents, ridicules, discriminates (real or implied) or attacks an individual or group on based on personal reasons.
- Alcohol
- Weapons, firearms, ammunition, or fireworks
- Gambling
- Pornography or related themes
- Tobacco use
- Material that directly advertises products to children under the age of 13
- Media or messages that fall under the “M” rated video games or content
- Unreasonable, unlikely or extraordinary product or service claims
- Media messages or imagery that strobe or flash
- Media or messages that contain unsubstantiated claims
- Advertising units that extend beyond the defined space
- Advertising units that do not retract to the defined advertising space upon user scroll off or do not contain a “close” or “X” for user to retract or close the ad unit/message after user initiation
- Advertising units that mimic computer functions
We also recognize the difference between advertising, sponsored content, and editorial content. Thus, we treat each as a separate entity with varying guidelines.
Clicking on the advertisement will link you to the third-party’s advertiser’s site or to relevant sponsored content area that fall under site property.
We retain the exclusive right to determine how any and all search results for certain pieces of information by keyword or topic are displayed. The content listed is displayed with its source. If sponsored content appears, it is labeled as such, and the same rules apply to the other information that we filter.
We also follow the terms stated on the Google Ads and link them to the corresponding sites.
While third party content must adhere to this Advertising Policy, labeling content is governed by our specified policy. More importantly, advertising should not link directly to a registration/email capture page.
We reserve the right to approve whether any advertising will be accepted, rejected, cancelled, or removed at any time. We will provide prompt notice in all cases of cancellation, rejection, or removal.
It is the advertiser’s responsibility to comply with all domestic and foreign laws and regulations applicable within the network. These include legally required legends, disclosures, and statements.
Advertising should not include pixels, tags, flash containers or any other type of information collection software code. We shall filter beacons, cookies, or other information for our protection.