There is nothing attractive in this world like a smooth face that looks clean with no acne or pimples. People around you will not stop stealing glances at you. Others will request to at least touch your face while others will ask for the secret behind that smooth face. Acne can lower people’s self-esteem. They sometimes think they are less outgoing and mostly feel insecure and shy to attend any party or occasion in fear of what people will say about them. There are various conditions of acne and Rosacea is one of them, sometimes it is also known as acne rosacea.
Sometimes someone may be asking him/herself questions like, “why do I have Rosacea?” and at times they would go in denial thinking they are not attractive. But, let’s first understand what rosacea is and how people come to get it.
1. What Is Acne Rosacea?
Rosacea is one of the conditions of the skin that affect part of the face such as nose, cheeks and forehead. Other places such as the chest, ears, and neck can also be affected by acne rosacea. The affected areas become oily, bumpy and reddened. One can see small red blood vessels while in high cases, the nose appears reddish and bulbous. It is considered as an incurable autoinflammatory skin condition that can come and go during both teenage times and adult times.
2. Symptoms Of Rosacea
The symptoms of acne rosacea are mostly around the central parts of the face while other parts such as the chest, arms or back are rarely affected. The symptoms are such as:
- Frequent Flushing Of The Victims Face- This is similar to blushing and is the first symptom to be felt. The symptom can last for months or even years before you see anything else develop.
- Redness- This can be seen in parts of the face and can look similar to sunburns.
- Small Bumpy Red Spots- Papules and pustules or small cysts will appear on your face. The spotswill look just like acne. This symptom comes and goes, but at times they remain unless you choose a treatment option.
- Tiny Blood Vessels- They can be seen on your face and is also called telangiectasia and can become prominent on the face.
- Eye Symptoms- They occur in half of the cases of rosacea but can be very mild. You might feel something is in your eye. You can also have to burn, stinging or itchy eyes. In other cases, the eyelid might have some inflammation or cysts and can be sensitive to light.
- Thickening Of The Skin- This also occurs in mild cases, and an example is a bumpy nose. It is uncommon and can occur among the men.
3. Why Do I Have Rosacea?
After understanding what condition rosacea is, you will find yourself asking such a question. To answer it, you will have to learn about the causes of acne rosacea .
In the UK, 1 of 10 people develops rosacea. It also affects many people but in mild cases. The symptoms of rosacea can appear to people on their early 20s. However, the usual symptoms will always appear between 30-60 years. This condition never affects children, but if it does, then it is in rear cases. Women are commonly affected than men, but men face the severe one. If you are a light-skinned person, you are likely to get Rosacea than a dark-skinned person.
4. What Causes Rosacea On The Face?
A question such as, “how do you prevent rosacea?” is one that has to be viewed from the dimension of the causes. To prevent it, you have to avoid causes that are avoidable.
The cause of rosacea is still unknown. However, triggers that cause some of the episodes of flushing and blushing have been recognized to be playing the part of the development of this condition.
The triggers include exposure to extreme temperatures, heat from sunlight, severe sunburn, severe exercise, stress, anxiety, cold wind and change of environment such as migrating from a cold environment to a hotter one. This can either be a house you reside in or the workplace you work in.
Certain foods also trigger this condition. Drinks such as alcohol and caffeine can trigger flushing. Foods that contain high levels of Histamine and very spicy foods can cause the flushing.
Rosacea flares can also be triggered by some of the medications and topical irritants. Some acne treatments has been reported to cause or trigger the flushing. Some of the treatments include microdermabrasion and chemical peels. Others include high dosages of isotretinoin, tretinoin, and benzoyl peroxide.
Use of topical steroids can also cause rosacea. Steroids that are prescribed for seborrheic dermatitis are reported to be among the causes that trigger this condition. In case of flushes, the dosages should be decreased slowly and not stop them immediately to avoid the disease from becoming extreme.
5. How Do You Clear Up Rosacea?
Treatment Of Rosacea
With proper treatment, the symptoms and signs of rosacea can be controlled. The treatment will vary depending on the subtype of acne rosacea and its severity. Rosacea skin care can be guided by dermatologists who can treat you according to the subtype. Here are some of the treatments for rosacea;
- Therapy- For the treatment of rosacea, therapy cannot be curative but will, in turn, reduce the facials redness, inflammatory lesions and a decrease of flares. Therapy also reduces the symptoms of itching and tenderness as well as burning.
- Topical Medication- This is a popular medication that is applied to the skin by the victim at least once or twice a day. Use of topical antibiotics medication such as Metrogel applied on the affected areas can reduce rosacea. Use of Azelaic acid is also an effective treatment, and both Metrogel and the acid can control redness and bumps in rosacea.
- Oral Antibiotics- This is given to patients with moderate rosacea.
- Accutane(is\otretinon)- This medication is given to patients who have severe and resistant rosacea. This medication is often used when therapy has been used and failed. The treatment can last for five to six months.
- Cleansers- They can be prescribed and gotten through over the counter. You can be given sensitive skin cleansers to provide relief. Recommended cleansers include sulfa based washes and benzoyl peroxide washes.
- Rosacea Diet- Diet For Prevention And Cure Of Acne Rosacea
Figuring out foods that you eat which can trigger rosacea can help manage the condition. To identify the foods, keep a food diary to identify the exact foods to avoid. Among the top alcohol triggers is the red wine and others include vodka, champagne, gin, and beer. High-calorie carbohydrates foods like sugar and bread as well as pasta can trigger acne rosacea.
Foods that decrease inflammation may improve rosacea. These are also known as Rosacea diet. They include foods with omega-3 fatty acids such as flaxseed oil, cod liver oil, and enriched eggs are recommended. Other food suggestions include whole grains, nuts, almonds, fatty fish, and berries.
One of the products that I can recommend for anti-wrinkle product called Beverly Hills MD Dermal Repair Complex. This product is a dermatologist’s brand of choice. This spot treatment product can clear out breakouts by targeting out and healing the blemishes that are sore. The product is made with advanced skin cleaning compounds that go into the pores of the affected areas and removes the dirt and other impurities.
With such products, you will be guaranteed profession results with no pain. All you have to do is follow the correct treatment and days of shame will come to an end.
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